Investigating the Impact of Cultural and Social Components of the Holy Defense on the Future of National Security of I.R. of Iran

Document Type : research Artichel


1 Ph.D. student in Imam Khomeini International University

2 Assistant Professor of Future Research Group at Imam Khomeini International University

3 Ph.D. student in government management; university researcher and lecturer


This study was conducted with the aim of investigating the impact of cultural and social components of the holy defense on the future of national security of I.R. of Iran. The main question of this study: To what extent do the cultural and social components of the holy defense influence the future of national security of I.R. of Iran? The present study is an applied research in terms of its purpose, a descriptive one in terms of its method (correlational), and a qualitative-quantitative one in terms of its data collection. The statistical population of the study consisted of people who were adequately aware of the issues and national security situation as well as well aware of the social and cultural assets of the holy defense and its role in today's life and security of the country. Due to the larger size of the population in terms of categorization, the statistical sample was 16 individual who were selected by snowball sampling, although there were many individuals in each of the above areas but there were a few individuals who were totally aware in the cultural and social realms regarding all three areas of futures studies, national security and the holy defense at the same time, and participants after the 16th individual reported the same comments. The future of national security, social capital, and cultural capital drawn from the conducted surveys were done using a questionnaire. The results of structural equations with PLS statistical software and t-test with SPSS software indicated that cultural and social capital of the holy defense influenced national security future. There was also no significant difference variable between the status quo and the future in the future of national security. On the other hand, there was a significant difference in the status and future of the holy defense cultural and social capital and its dimensions.


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