Consequences of Developmental Leadership from Hazrat Imam Khamenei’s (His Excellency) View in Research Institutes of Armed Forces

Document Type : research Artichel


1 Associate Professor Malek Ashtar University of Technology

2 Associate Professor Imam Hussein University of Technology

3 PhD student in defense policy


Regarding the complexities of the present era, developmental leadership in knowledge-based institutes has gained appreciation and fame more than other common theories in the literature of organization and management. This paper tries to analyze Imam Khamenei’s (His Excellency) discourse using the data-based theory and to delineate the results of developmental leadership in research institutes of the armed forces. In this research, Imam Khamenei’s (His Excellency) speeches were studied through whole reading. In the following, using an open sampling method, 348 texts were selected and through open coding with detailed analysis, 735 codes, 42 concepts and 6 categories were identified. The results show that developmental leadership in the studied organization can have optimal results and effects according to Islamic and revolutionary values at personal, organizational and supra-organizational domains.


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