Strategic-Indigenous Model for Evaluating Performance of Employees and Managers of I.R. IRAN'S Military Forces

Document Type : research Artichel


1 Assistant Professor and Faculty Member of Shahid Sattari Air University

2 Assistant Professor of Supreme National Defense University


The purpose of this paper is to answer the question: What is the strategic –indigenous model to evaluate the performance of employees and managers of the armed forces? This research is one of the applied-developmental researches. The population of this research is composed of the leaders, managers and experts in the armed forces and defense organizations as Iran's Islamic Revolution, Iranian Revolutionary Guards, the Ministry of Defense and Armed Forces and the Police. The sample is composed of 64 members of the mentioned population that were selected by non-probable purposeful method with regard to the feature of this research’s subject to a convenient target. Research data were collected by means of interview and questionnaire and using qualitative method of content analysis and quantitative methods of statistical using Student t-tests, analysis of variance, Duncan, factor analysis and Friedman ranking and were analyzed through SPSS & Lisrel software. The results of this research were validated on the basis of components of the strategic-indigenous pattern of evaluating the performance of employees and executives of the armed forces, and four integrative layers for the systems of evaluation of N.M. employee’s performance were submitted and were approved.


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