Assessing the Strategic Vulnerabilities and Weaknesses of the Dominated System’s Actors

Document Type : research Artichel


1 Professor, University of Tehran

2 Assistant Professor Islamic Azad University, Rouden Branch

3 Minister of Defense and Armed Forces Assistant Professor, Malek Ashtar University

4 Assistant Professor Imam Hussein University

5 Strategic Management Researcher


Understanding the strategic vulnerabilities of the U.S. and the Zionist regime cannot be explained without considering the function and processes of application of power. A significant portion of the U.S. and Zionist regime's vulnerability signs results from intra-structural challenges, increasing intervening and unilateral measures in the regional and international environment. The authors in order to validate their theoretical findings designed 100 questionnaires each of which composed of 28 closed ended questions and distributed them among academic, defensive, security and diplomatic elites. From this group, 50 individuals, most of whom were graduated and had military, diplomatic and academic job positions answered the questionnaires. The findings show that economic crisis, social conflicts, confrontation of elites in strategic policymaking, cultural conflict and great power’s disagreement about regional issues should be considered as signs of erosion which paves the way for change (transformation) in the geometry of the world’s power system.


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