Strategic Pragmatism in I.R.Iran– Russia Relations

Document Type : research Artichel


1 Professor, University of Tehran

2 Assistant Professor Islamic Azad University, Rouden Branch

3 PhD Student of Strategic Management at Supreme National Defense University

4 Head of the Study Group at the Defense Strategic Research Center


Russia is one of the international policy player and its role is important in the formation of power global system. Realizing Iran – Russia relation in strategic cooperation framework require to realizing global and regional players outlook. Iran and Russia opposite with power distribution pattern in global policy. In this situation, there is the question that what are the characteristics of Iran – Russia cooperation? In our view, strategic pragmatism could analyze as main axis of their relations. For achieving this purpose, we must do such actions, building coalition, strategic neutralization, tactical cooperation’s and constructional balancing with international players such Russia.


  1. الف. منابع فارسی

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    3. سجادپور، محمدکاظم (1374)، گسستگی هویت در جمهوری‌های بازمانده از شوروی، فصلنامه آسیای مرکزی و قفقاز، شماره 9.

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