Designing a Model for Strengthening the Human Capital in the Armed Forces of I.R.Iran

Document Type : research Artichel


1 Former Deputy of Research and Production of Science and Faculty member of Army Command and Army University

2 MS in Productivity and System Management, MS in Defense Management and Faculty member of Army Command and Army University


The meaning of empowering is, free up people’s inner strength for gaining wonderful achievements.  In this article, we are discussed to determining the relationship between direct and indirect variable in pattern recognition and empowerment of human capital in armed forces of I.R.Iran Out Statistical population is the I.R.Iran’s armed forces personnel, and population sample is polled multi-stage random. This research formed by using from cross-correlation method and analysis of correlation matrix, and data were collected by questionnaire that its reliability approved with cronbach’s alpha coefficient and credit of validity approved by combining standard-questionnaire.Research findings suggest that in addition to the proper relationship between the independent variable and dependent variable were affected in indirect variable set as and empowerment variables, variables of organizational commitment, personal compatibility and participation, empowerment, changes in the variables and parameters  of direct social interaction, learning, salary and conditions employee empowerment.


  1. الف. منابع فارسی

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