Providing a Model for Assessing the Competencies of Guardianship in Defense Organizations

Document Type : research Artichel


1 Assistant Professor of Imam Hossein University (AS)

2 Master of Science in Economic and Social Systems Engineering, Imam Hossein University of Technology


Assessing the competency of guardianship and somehow competencies of individuals can on the one hand provide employee’s satisfaction, and on the other hand, the satisfaction of managers and officials of the organization. This paper presents the model of protection competencies assessment in defense organizations in four dimensions and 19 components. In this research, first the theoretical principles and research background and reviewing extracted indices and interviewing with experts, dimensions and components of the model were extracted and analyzed using a questionnaire distributed among experts. The reliability and validity of the model were verified by the experts. In order to examine the reliability of the model, Cronbach's alpha coefficient was estimated 0.889 and using the AHP pair comparison method, the dimensions of the pattern were determined. The main dimensions of the model for assessing the competencies of guardianship in defensive organizations are "performance" with a coefficient of 58.8, "work characteristics" with a weight of 0/168, "value attributes" with a weight of 0/154, "capabilities" with a weigh of 0/910, as well as employees were selected as the for testing this pattern that were classified using TOPSIS and SAW method.


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