The analysis of Saudi Arabia,s Militant Foreign Policy against Iran in the Framework of the Aggressive Realism

Document Type : research Artichel


1 PH.D. student of political science, University of Isfahan

2 Associate professor of political science, University of Isfahan

3 Assistant Professor of Political Science, University of Isfahan


Given the importance of the Saudi foreign policy towards Iran's regional policy and interests, the study seeks to analyze the causes or factors involved in the new foreign policy of Saudi Arabia in terms of the policy of "aggressive realism" And regional interests of Iran. In the same vein, the geopolitical fields of the conflict between the two countries in the regional power structure in geostrategic, geo-economical and geochemistry areas have been investigated. From the perspective of this research (whose hypothesis was field-tested and using a statistical method of 45 university professors and related researchers in the fields of international relations, political science, geography, regional studies, and strategic management The geopolitical fields of the Saudi conflict with JA Iran: 1. Strategic (Competition over the field of penetration and regional ally in the areas of the Crescent Crescent, the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Aden and the Red Sea) (First Priority), 2- Geocalcari (Ethnic Religious Differences: Arabic-Persian, Shiite-Sunni) (Second Priority) and 3- Geo-Kenomic (World Oil and Machinery Market Mine Opec) (third priority), and the reason for Saudi Arabia to engage in hostile foreign policy vis-a-vis Iran must be: 1) regional chaos; 2) uncertainty about the intentions and intentions of the regional rival of Saudi Arabia. (I.e. Iran, in the discussions of the nuclear program and regional policies); and (3) the positive perception of its rulers of their capabilities (power and economic backing, military equipment and capabilities, and political ability for coalition) to deal with c. Iran searched.


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