Explaining the Requirements of Implementing the Principles of the Military-Security Strategic Guideline of the Armed Forces of I.R. of Iran

Document Type : research Artichel


1 Ph.D. in Political Geography, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch

2 Ph.D. Student in Military Strategic Management, Supreme National Defense University


 Doctrine is a common covenant and a set of structured principles and frameworks that defines how defense forces and organizations operate at different levels. Therefore, a strategic guideline based on the fundamental principles and guiding action and support of the armed forces should be formulated in order to enhance the defense-military authority and increase the capability and efficiency of the armed forces. What this research has sought from the beginning is to illuminate the effective requirements of realizing the principles of the military-security strategic guidelines of the armed forces of Islamic Republic of Iran in a scientific and methodical manner. To this end research literature was investigated through collecting data via library and field methods regarding this concept, theoretical basics and collecting related content regarding the requirements of the implementation of the military-security strategic guidelines of the armed forces of I.R. of Iran. Then, the data collected through completing the questionnaires distributed among the experts were tested through statistical software and 71 requirements were considered as the effective necessities regarding the realization of the principles of military-security strategic guideline of I.R. of Iran's Armed Forces.


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    ب. منابع انگلیسی

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