Assessing Command and Management Needs, Competencies, and Capabilities in the Field of Future Wars of I.R. of Iran

Document Type : research Artichel


1 Professor of Geopolitics at Supreme National Defense University

2 Ph.D. in Military Strategic Management, Supreme National Defense University


As devastating phenomena, wars always threaten human security, and unfortunately as time passes and technology advances, war scenes become more complex and widespread, and these changes need to be studied regarding a war and its coping capabilities. The aim of this study is to review capabilities based on the needs of different areas in relation to command and management of the war scene in I.R. of Iran. This research is an applied study regarding its orientation, and a descriptive one considering its purpose. In order to attain the goals of this study, at first, by studying the background and theoretical literature of the topic and interviewing the experts, the field of war was categorized into three areas of command, management, and strategic levels. Then, by selecting a statistical sample from the statistical population (including National Defense faculty professors and graduates), the results were categorized using Cochran formula with 85 participants, obtaining opinions, using a researcher-made questionnaire and mixed research method (causal-comparative and structural equations) and chi-square test. As a result of the research, while dividing the war scene into three areas of command, management and strategic levels, the capabilities and needs of each of these three regions have been identified in order to provide efficient human resources training and commensurate with the needs of the future war scene of the Islamic Republic of Iran.


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