Presenting a Model of Dynamic Capabilities in Transforming Threats into Opportunities and Creating a Competitive Advantage in the Army of Islamic Republic of Iran

Document Type : research Artichel


1 PhD Student in Public Administration, Qazvin Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qazvin, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Public Administration, Qazvin Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qazvin, Iran


The Army of Islamic Republic of Iran in order to deal with threats and become accustomed to the operational environment, as well as to shape the environment can integrate its distinct interior and exterior capabilities in the form of new competencies that are appropriate for the complex and tempestuous environments. Also, through the employment of a new configuration, it can provide a frame of a set of high-level, acquired and modeled behaviors, shape the environment and modify its core resources, and achieve a competitive advantage in the region and beyond. The aim of this study is to provide a model of dynamic capabilities in converting threats into opportunities and creating a competitive advantage in the Army of Islamic Republic of Iran. Thus, by studying library resources and interviewing 10 experts, variables of the model were extracted and after confirming the content validity, structural validity was also performed. The statistical population comprised of the study centers of the Army of Islamic Republic of Iran in Tehran. The sample size was 315 individuals who were randomly selected. In order to design a model and specify the type, direction and intensity of variables, the structural equations models (EMOS) was used in seven sections including external opportunities and capabilities, threats, sensory capabilities, operational capabilities, organizational capabilities, integration capabilities and competitive advantages. The obtained values ​​indicate an appropriate goodness of fit regarding the model and the results of the present study showed that the strongest impact factor is related to external threats on sensory capabilities and the weakest impact factor is related to the dimension of productivity capabilities on the integration capabilities in this model.


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