Explaining the Role of Air Defense in Improving the Defense Capability of I.R. of Iran

Document Type : research Artichel


1 PhD Student of Strategic Military Management at the Supreme National Defense University

2 PhD Student in Strategic Defense Management at the Supreme National Defense University


The air defense, regarding the extent that it can contribute to security, can also play a significant role in the country's defense capability, since it is the most important and most prominent part of the country's defense, and regarding the intention of the supreme leader, it is the front line of defense from country. For this reason, the authors attempted to address the role of air defense in enhancing the defense capability of I.R. of Iran as an independent macro variable and enhancement of the I.R. of Iran's defense capability as a dependent variable in order to address the main objective of the research. This research was an applied one and employed a descriptive-analytical method. Data were collected by library and field methods (interview and questionnaire), then the data collected through the interview were analyzed by discourse analysis and the data obtained by questionnaire were analyzed by software. Validity of the questionnaire was determined by content validity and two-stage distribution and its reliability was determined by Cronbach's alpha method with a score of 0.867. The sample size was 23 individuals. Generally, the results indicate that the air defense capability is very effective and operative in enhancing the defense capability of I.R. of Iran and its enhancement will improve the defensive capability in different conditions and will be considered as one of the most efficient elements of national defense against other countries, in a way that it has a coefficient of 48% in peacetime and 52% in times of crisis.


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    ب. منابع انگلیسی

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