Clarifying the Characteristics of the Iranian Islamic Model of Development in Defense Sector According to Imam Khamenei's Intentions and Policies (His Majesty)

Document Type : research Artichel


1 Assistant Professor of Imam Ali (AS) Military University

2 Assistant Professor of the Faculty of Command and Staff of AJA


Based on the measurements stated by the Supreme Leader and the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces (His Majesty) and in order to purposefully and clearly move towards the uppermost goals of the country, the Islamic Republic of Iran agenda is to pursue the Islamic-Iranian development model. This paper clarifies the characteristics of the Iranian Islamic model of progress with a focus on the defense sector. This paper is an exploratory one in terms of its purpose and has identified and explained this affair by examining the available documents and analyzing the content of the Supreme Leader's statements. This research is employed an inductive and qualitative approach. Regarding its nature, this research has used the theory of database. According to the proposed theory, self-reliance and self-sufficiency are considered as the conditions of causality, justice-centeredness as the pivotal class, social capital as the intervening factor, morality as the foundation and background of the Iranian Islamic model of progress. The consequence of the strategies of interaction and action will include improving scientific ability and self-reliance, opportunism and foresight, policy-making and planning, continuous improvement, discourse building, trust, improving the ability and competence of managers, is a systematic and comprehensive view.


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