Introduction of a Model for Management of Military Knowledge with a Behavioral Approach

Document Type : research Artichel


1 Instructor in Khatam al-Anbiya Air Defense University

2 Assistant Professor in AJA Command and Staff University


Military organizations are at the forefront of using new knowledge regarding the nature of their mission. They are also faced with a variety of threats such as high-speed missiles and aircraft, multi-purpose drones, cyber-electronics, bioterrorism, convergent sciences and technologies, computers, biotechnologies, psychological operations, and the media, and to address these intimidations they have great challenges in obtaining knowledge and technologies at the forefront of knowledge. The purpose of this study is to offer a model for knowledge management based on the analysis of individual, group and organization levels (behavioral approach) to generally understand and create new insights in military organizations. This research was a mixed one (quantitative and qualitative) that the statistical population of its quantitative section included employees of one of the military organizations and the sample size was 50 individuals. The sample of the qualitative section included 7 individuals from among experts in the realm of knowledge management. The validity of questionnaire was confirmed by 4 professors of management at the prestigious military universities in this field, and the reliability was calculated using Cronbach's alpha coefficient which was 0.85. To test the hypotheses, the structural equation model and the PLS software were used and all the hypotheses were confirmed. According to the obtained results, a model with 4 dimensions, 14 components and 53 indicators was presented and it showed that knowledge management processes are affected by hidden variables of individual level, group level and organizational system level as a whole and also components and indicators of group level have the greatest impression on knowledge management processes.


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