Passive Defense Strategies in the Development of Nuclear Power Plants during the Post-BARJAM (JCPOA) Period

Document Type : research Artichel


1 Assistant Professor in the Supreme National Defense University

2 Master of Arts - Passive Defense - Imam Hossein University

3 Assistant Professor in Imam Hussein University


The growing energy consumption and adverse effects of using fossil fuels as primary sources of electric energy generation from an economic, environmental, energy density and variety in energy portfolio have led to a general shift towards the use of new energy sources such as renewable, cleaner and more productive energy to be considered. Among them, nuclear energy is taken into account as one of the main sources of clean and efficient energy production. One of the important aims of passive defense is to pursue the realization of the upstream documents, particularly the measures and orders of the Supreme Leader. In the country's upstream documents and plans regarding development of nuclear power plants, the production of 20,000 megawatts of nuclear power is mentioned as the country's main and essential need. To this end, it is essential to inspect strategies for reaching this level of nuclear energy. The state of affairs in the national and international community after BRJAM agreement has influenced the development of the country's nuclear industry. To this end, at fist environmental surveys including strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities have been conducted. Then, through combining weaknesses and threats, challenges and major obstacles have been extracted and the macro-strategies of passive defense in order to address these challenges and obstacles have been developed using driving forces (strengths and opportunities). In terms of determining and extracting environmental studies and strategies, views of the statistical sample including experts, specialists and authorities in the nuclear industry and passive defense have been used. In this paper, strategies of passive defense regarding the development of nuclear power plants in terms of producing vulnerability for Islamic Republic of Iran in the future has been inspected and determined.


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