Introducing a Model for Methodology, Evaluation and Selection of Technology in Projects of Military Research and Development (Case Study: One of the Military Research Centers)

Document Type : research Artichel


1 PhD Student in Technology Management, Iran University of Science and Technology

2 Associate Professor and Faculty Member of Iran University of Science and Technology

3 Assistant Professor and Faculty Member of Iran University of Science and Technology


The purpose of this study is to present a method for selection of the most appropriate military technology from among the identified technologies to acquire it through research and development projects. Thus, to accomplish this aim, the research process is designed by merging three topics of evaluation and technology selection, military technology strategies, and research and development projects. The results obtained from this method can be summarized into two types of intermediate and final results. Intermediate results are related to weighting and prioritization of evaluation criteria and selection of military technologies. Based on these results, the criteria for "synchronization with military policies, strategy and guideline", "military deterrence ability", "promotion of national self-confidence and researchers' self-confidence" and also among the grouping regarding the criteria, the group of criteria  of "strategy and operational efficiency" "technology effect" and "creativity and innovation" were acknowledged as the most important criteria for technology selection. In the final results, out of the 5 identified technologies, two technologies were eliminated in the monitoring of the initial evaluation stage, and finally the conditioned technologies according to the selected criteria and using "TOPSIS" method were prioritized as B, D and C, respectively.


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