Defense Policies of the Islamic Republic of Iran against Possible Defense Cooperation between the Zionist Regime, the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia

Document Type : research Artichel


1 Assistant Professor of Supreme National Defense and Research Institute and Strategic Research

2 Assistant Professor of Imam Hussein University (AS)

3 PhD Student in Strategic Management of Defense Sciences, University and Supreme Research Institute of National Defense and Strategic Research


The policy of the Zionist regime and the countries of Saudi Arabia and the UAE, consistent with US policies, is to counter and prevent the impact of the I.R. of Iran in the region. One of the most important consequences of their convergence and cooperation, especially in the field of defense, is the impact on the security environment of the I.R. of Iran. Regarding the improvements in the Zionist regime's cooperation with Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, especially in the field of defense, it is necessary to carefully review the I.R. of Iran's defense policies in response to this cooperation. The aim of this study is to formulate the defense policies of the I.R. of Iran regarding the defense cooperation of the target countries. This research is an applied-developmental one which has employed a descriptive-analytical method with a quantitative approach. In order to reach the goal of the research, the views of 50 experts were collected through a questionnaire and then the collected data were analyzed using descriptive statistics analysis methods and SPSS software. Finally, 9 cases of defense policies were identified based on the abilities and capabilities of the I.R. of Iran and their impact was determined by the Likert scale. Also, the obtained policies were prioritized based on the degree of effectiveness which the policies of "Development of long-range power, self-reliance and self-sufficiency in the production of advanced defense equipment with an effective preventing capability, increasing the depth of strategic defense beyond the country's geographical borders, supporting the resistance front and strengthening the theory of resistance among Muslim countries in the region" were ranked from first to third, respectively.


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