Research paper: The role of information systems in the management of military crises caused by war (Nazaja case study)

Document Type : research Artichel


Head of the Non-Active Defense Committee of Nezaja Faculty of Engineering


One of the important features of today's world is the occurrence of instabilities and severe and extensive changes in different systems of a country. In the era of information explosion, with the ever-increasing needs, expectations, information, and various ecological-environmental and technological developments, human societies suddenly experienced a kind of instability, confusion, inflammation, and a special complexity, the consequence of which is the occurrence of dangerous events and crises in these societies, which It is not possible to get out of the deadlocks resulting from these crises with prudent management based on knowledge and wisdom. This research is practical in terms of the type of goal, and it is descriptive-analytical in terms of the type of data since it is based on the collection and analysis of information extracted from different aspects. The data collection method included library studies, interview techniques, and the use of questionnaires at the level of samples of the studied statistical community. The results of the research show that the information system is effective in increasing the readiness of organizations, increasing the decision-making power of managers, which leads to increased productivity in crises caused by war; Also, support services and public relations are known as the most involved part of the information system, and the highest amount of information space is also for operational information. In crises caused by war, there is a need for a multi-purpose information system to increase the readiness of managers and to properly prioritize action in dealing with the crisis.


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