Introducing the components affecting the promotion of cyber knowledge of security organizations c. A. A

Document Type : research Artichel


1 Senior expert in passive defense, national security, responsible writer

2 Master of Information Protection

3 Assistant Professor of Political Geography, Farabi Faculty

4 Senior expert in passive defense, national security orientation


The complexity and extent of the cyberspace and the maximum connection of the missions of the security organizations with this space has caused the security organizations to distance themselves from the desired cyber knowledge; Therefore, reducing the existing distance requires addressing the effective factors in the promotion of cyber knowledge, and the current research seeks to identify and discover these factors. The purpose of this research is to identify and introduce the factors affecting the promotion of cyber knowledge of security organizations. The statistical population of the research includes people from the information-security community who are aristocracy towards cyber knowledge. The current research is practical in terms of its purpose, which has been applied in the field method to collect information through interviews, questionnaires, library documents and websites. With a descriptive-analytical method for the analysis of the data obtained using SPSS software in such a way that in the descriptive statistics section, statistics such as frequency, mean, standard deviation, skewness and kurtosis are used, and in the inferential statistics section, chi-square test and Friedman test are used. . The results show that among the three areas of “human capital”, “educational structure” and “educational technologies”, attention to “human capital” is the most influential dimension in the promotion of cyber knowledge, and the index of “people’s sense of need” is at the top of other components of this field. Is placed; In the dimension of “educational structure”, “applicability of trainings” is a higher priority than other cases, and in the field of “educational technologies”, the index of “designing educational software in the framework of the internal network” has the greatest impact on the promotion of cyber knowledge of security organizations. Gave.


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