Designing an individual behavior pattern in the management of organizational behavior in the joint operation of the Islamic Republic of Iran Army

Document Type : research Artichel


1 Doctoral student of joint and composite operations, Command University and Aja Headquarters

2 Associate Professor of Strategic Defense Sciences, Higher National Defense University

3 Assistant professor of Khatam al-Anbiya University (pbuh) in Napaja


Today, wars are mostly conducted as joint operations, and manpower management is essential to achieve joint actions in a coordinated and unified manner. Prediction and control of human resources is a vital aspect in achieving the goals of modern management, therefore, the goals of organizational behavior and the resulting patterns are the understanding, prediction and control of organizational behavior that has been addressed in this research. The purpose of this research is to design a model of individual behavior in the management of Aja’s organizational behavior in forming a joint force and planning and directing joint operations. This research is of applied and development type. The research method is descriptive-analytical and correlational. The statistical population of this research includes commanders, experts, experts, professors and experts of the armed forces in the field of organizational behavior management and joint operations. In this research, an attempt was made to take a comprehensive, macro and holistic view of the subject during the implementation of the research, and in order to explain the organizational behavior of AJA, through studying the theoretical and exploratory foundations, preparing a questionnaire, obtaining experts’ opinions, and analyzing the information and data of the research. Done. Finally, the result obtained from the research is the five basic components of individual behavior, personality and values, individual perception and decision making, motivation and feelings and moods in the order of priority and the number of 20 indicators in total.


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