Investigation and Explanation of the Strategic Thinking Dimensions of the Commanders and Senior Managers Regarding Enhancement of the Combat power (Case study: A military Organization)

Document Type : research Artichel


Assistant Professor at the National Defense University


The present paper tries to answer the following question: What are the aspects of the strategic thinking of the senior managers and leaders? What is the status of the strategic thinking dimensions of the commanders and managers of the given military organization? This research based on the achievement or result is a type of developmental-applied study which used a survey method in order to collect its required data. The statistical population of the research is the commanders and senior managers of the above-mentioned military organization at various levels and employed in the military units located in Tehran. Using Morgan and Krejcie Table and a non-probabilistic sampling method, 80 individuals were selected as the sample of this research. The main collecting data instrument used in this research was a researcher-made questionnaire with a reliability coefficient of 0.91. The results showed that religious and Islamic insight, self-esteem, environmental consciousness, systematic and creative thought, militancy, learning and knowledge management, etc. are considered as the most important dimensions of the strategic thinking of the senior commanders and managers of the military organizations. The general status of the strategic thinking dimensions of the given military organizations’ commanders and senior managers has been lower than the average and is in need of improvement.


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