Steadiness of Commanding and Controlling Capabilities through Strategic Human Resource Planning

Document Type : research Artichel


1 Teacher at Khatam-Al-Anbai University and PhD student in Human Resource Management

2 Ph.D. student of Human Resource Management, Semnan University

3 Teacher at Khatam al-Anbiya Air Defense University


Persistence of capabilities, transfers every program and plan relating to future to an acceptable level of sustainability and persistence, in a way that in the face of environmental developments has the highest durability. The growth and development of the empowerment indicators of commanding and controlling transforms them into the key and persistent capabilities that provide the possibility of coping with various peripheral disturbances and events. The aim of this study is to explain how to achieve persistence of capabilities in the realm of commanding and controlling, as the most important pillar of management and leadership of the military operations, through strategic and targeted planning of the human resources. For this purpose, after reviewing the effective processes of human resources on the preservation of commanding and controlling capabilities through library studies and a survey of experienced experts and planners of the field of commanding and controlling by Delphi method, using structural equation modeling (SEM) method the way to achieve the desirable level of persistence in the realm of commanding and controlling capabilities, with the aim of controlling the battlefield under different conditions, the ability to deal with critical situations, the ability to defend asymmetrically, and the ability to absorb and deploy effective defense technologies through targeted human resources planning were explained. And finally, a pattern that specifies the effective method of employing the processes of human resources in order to achieve persistence of commanding and controlling capabilities was presented.


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