Identifying and Prioritizing the Challenges of Strategic Management in a Defense Industry

Document Type : research Artichel


1 Ph.D. student of Industrial Engineering, Malek Ashtar University of Technology

2 Associate Professor Malek Ashtar University of Technology

3 Professor of Malek Ashtar University of Technology


The present paper is conducted with the aim of identifying and prioritizing the challenges confronting strategic management in a defense industry and has used content analysis and interviewing tool to identify the challenges facing the strategic management of that defense industry and has also used the questionnaire instrument to confirm the main challenges and its reliability was estimated to be 0.92. For sampling interview, the method of theoretical adequacy of the data was used. The results of the research showed that existence of a kind of divergent thinking in collecting data, lack of specification about the responsibility of individuals in implementing changes in the organization, lack of employee alignment, lack of proper allocation of resources, failure to identify the obstacles ahead in implementing the strategy, lack of commitment to management, failure to transfer the strategy, manager's attention to maintaining the status quo in the organization, the misconception of some managers about the situation are among the challenges in the strategic management of the defense industry. Then, these challenges are ranked by permutation and genetic algorithm and the most important factor is the existence of a divergent thinking in data collection and the least important factor is the lack of management commitment.


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