Designation and Explanation of the Proper Model of Meritocracy in the Recruitment and Selection Systems of Human in the Officers' Academy of the I.R. of Iran Army

Document Type : research Artichel


1 Ph.D. in Public Administration - Human Resource Management - Department of Public Administration, Islamic Azad University, Qazvin

2 Faculty of Management, Islamic Azad University of Qazvin


The foundation and basis of each organization is its human resources and having an effective infrastructure, i.e., the commendable individuals in the most suitable occupational positions, is a prerequisite for the success of the organization, especially military organizations. The present study, with the acknowledgment of the above issue, aims to design a suitable model of meritocracy in the systems of recruiting and selecting volunteers or the Officers' Academy of the Islamic Republic of Iran Army. Regarding the aim of research, this study is applied and a field method of data collection and has followed an exploratory (qualitative-quantitative) approach. In the qualitative phase, through a deep interview with 30 experts, professors and commanders of the officers' academies of I.R. of Iran Army, the conceptual model from the grounded theory method was extracted using Nvivo software. In the quantitative phase, using a questionnaire tool and a survey of 100 experts and commanders, in addition to confirming the conceptual model, the relationship between dimensions and the components were also examined through PLS software. Finally, the model of meritocracy designed in the form of 268 codes, 28 components and 7 dimensions. These dimensions include "Islamic-Iranian Ideology Merits" with 3 components, "Islamic-Iranian Values Merits" with 5 components, "Skill Merits" with 3 components, "Management Merits" with 5 components, "Executive Merits" with 4 components, "Job-specific Merits" with 4 components and "Knowledge Merits" with 4 components.


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