Strategies to Prevent and Combat Islamophobia

Document Type : research Artichel


1 Faculty Member of Imam Hossein University

2 Ph.D. of University and Research Institute of National Defense and Strategic Research

3 Head of National Security Research Institute of the University and the National Institute of Defense and Strategic Research

4 Ph.D. student of political science, Allameh Tabataba'i University


Islamophobia is a term that conceptually means fear of Islam and a fear that is more fictitious and places Islam against other civilizations. The purpose of this paper is to identify the phenomenon of Islamophobia as one of the most important problems facing the Islamic world and to identify the most important strategies for coping with this phenomenon. This research is applied one in terms of its purpose and in terms of methodology is a descriptive-analytical study. The main tools for collecting information are clamping tools, questionnaires and interviews. Data analysis method is using quantitative and qualitative methods that have been extracted using SWOT strategies. The findings of this study show that the Islamic world in general against the spread of the phenomenon of Islamophobia has been drawn from five factors of strength and six weaknesses. In total, eight opportunities and no threats were extracted in terms of external factors. The results of this research show that in Swat strategic environment and in accordance with the four-fold environments, 13 strategies were extracted that in the end we were placed in the defensive realm after giving weight.


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