Introducing the Model of Knowledge-Oriented Organization for the Army of the Islamic Republic of Iran

Document Type : research Artichel


1 Associate Professor, Operational Research - Allameh Tabataba'i University

2 Professor, Operational Research - Allameh Tabataba'i University

3 Associate Professor, Industrial Engineering - Allameh Tabataba'i University

4 Ph.D. student, Operational Research - Allameh Tabataba'i University


This research is in line with the essential question: What is the knowledge-based model of the army of the Islamic Republic of Iran? After studying theoretical and historical foundations, dimensions and components, identification, the data and the findings were analyzed. The research regarding its achievements was an applied and regarding its aim it was a descriptive-analytical, and the data were collected using a survey method. The statistical population of the study included the academic experts and military commanders of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Data were collected by simple random sampling and judgmental sampling. Data were collected by field and library method and using a questionnaire tool. The significance of this issue as a transition from a resource-based organization to a knowledge-based approach to macro policies in upstream documents, the research findings suggest that focusing more on a special structure can make the Islamic Republic of Iran's army more accessible to becoming a knowledge-based entity. The results indicated that the conceptualization model of the knowledge-based of the Army of the Islamic Republic of Iran include the "infrastructural dimensions of the knowledge organization" and "process dimensions of the knowledge organization" as the main independent variables and "knowledge societies", "intellectual capital", "temporary special structure" and "knowledge strategies" as the mediator variables in this model. Finally, the "Knowledge-based Organization" is considered as a dependent variable.


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