Explanation of Key Factors and Influential Indicators on the Continuity and Progress of Affairs in the Armed Forces of I.R. of Iran

Document Type : research Artichel


Associate Professor at the Supreme University of National Defense


One of the main emphases of the Supreme Leader is the continuity and progress of affairs to achieve success. To achieve this important aim, it requires a careful understanding and review of the factors and indicators that have a great impact on this goal. Recognizing these key factors and influential factors can lead to a positive feedback from the affairs and a control of the quality of the activities and projects and guide the end result to the success and progress of the affairs. The aim of this research is to determine the influential factors and indicators on the continuity of affairs and their progress in I.R. of Iran Armed Forces. This research is an applied one and has employed two exploratory and explanatory approaches. The sample population of this study has been determined using purposeful sampling method, a class at each organization level and subsidiary forces. The results of this research can be presented in four dimensions: 1) Methods of obtaining success, 2) trends of success development, 3) progress and developments of affairs, and 4) continuity of success.


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