Investigating the Generational Difference in Experienced and Young Personnel in Military Organizations (Case Study: Staff of one of the Military organizations)

Document Type : research Artichel


1 Professor of AJA University of Command and Staff

2 PhD in Public Administration, University of Tehran

3 PhD Student in Technology Management, Allameh Tabataba'i University

4 Doctor of Economics, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad


The present study tried to inspect the generational differences and differences in cultures and values ​​within one of the military organizations. Regarding the fact that in recent decades Iran has been confronted with a variety of events such as the revolution, the postwar and postwar periods; individuals with different ages and backgrounds face with different forms of value orientations, norms and patterns of behavior across generations. In particular in military organizations where the previous generation has been involved with post-war events and there is a need for nurturing successors in these organizations. Therefore, recognizing the differences in generations gives us a better understanding of how to deal with, manage, and interact with younger generations, and this case is of paramount importance. The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of difference in generational attitudes on the staff commitment as one of the behavioral patterns of employees in different generations. To this end, a questionnaire and 98 samples from a military organization with staff at different ages and backgrounds were used to collect the required data. In order to test the hypotheses, fitting the structural equations and the partial least squares (PLS), SPSS and Smart PLS softwares were used. The results indicated that the generational difference had a positive effect on the continuous and normative commitments of the military personnel under study, and a significant negative effect on the effective commitment. In other words, the younger generations have higher effective commitments and lower normative and continuous commitments in comparison with the more experienced ones.


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